Terms of use

Use of the Site

The site is intended for personal and non-commercial use only. Users agree not to use the site for commercial purposes or for any illegal purpose.


Intellectual property

All content on the site, including images, text, logos and trademarks, are the property of the real estate agency and are protected by intellectual property laws. Users are not authorized to copy, reproduce or distribute any content on the site without prior written permission from the real estate agency.


Property Information

All information about the properties listed on the site is provided by the real estate agency or the owners of the properties. Users agree to use this information for personal purposes only and not for commercial purposes.


Responsibility for Information

The real estate agency does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained on the website. Users agree to use the site information at their own risk.


Comments and Reviews

Users can leave comments and reviews about the properties listed on the site. The real estate agency reserves the right to remove comments or reviews that are false, defamatory or violate the site's usage policies.


External Links

The site may contain links to third-party websites. The real estate agency is not responsible for the content of these websites or for the accuracy of the information contained on them.


Policy Changes

The real estate agency reserves the right to change these usage policies at any time without notice. Users should regularly check usage policies to stay up-to-date.