Selling a House: What documents are needed and how to obtain them


Complete Guide to the Necessary Documents for Selling a House in Portugal

Selling a property in Portugal can be a complex and bureaucratic process. To formalize the sale of your house, it is necessary to gather a series of essential documents that must be presented to the new owner during the deed. These documents identify the property and describe all its characteristics, including construction, fiscal, and energy aspects.

In this article, we detail the necessary documents for selling a property, explaining what they represent and how they can be obtained.


Permanent Land Registry Certificate

The Permanent Land Registry Certificate provides the history of the property, including information about the land, construction, inheritance successions, or liens. This document reflects all registrations made on the property and is valid for 6 months.

It can be requested in person at the Land Registry Office, at a cost of 20 euros, or online through the Land Registry Online platform, at a cost of 15 euros. To request the certificate, you need the registry number of the conservatory, district, municipality, parish, and the letter corresponding to the fraction. After the request is approved, a code will be assigned for online access to the certificate during the 6 months of validity.


Urban Land Booklet

The Urban Land Booklet includes all the fiscal information of the property, such as characteristics, location, owner, and Taxable Patrimonial Value (VPT). This document is essential for calculating the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) and the Property Transfer Tax (IMT).

It can be obtained at the Finance Departments or online through the Finance Portal. To obtain the booklet online, log in to the Finance Portal with your access data, and go to "Tax Services," "Citizens," "Consult," "Properties," and "Property Heritage." The validity is 12 months.


Housing License

The Housing License, issued by the City Council of the area where the property is located, certifies that the property meets the legal requirements for habitation. It also defines the permitted use type (residential or non-residential).

It must be requested from the corresponding City Council. The property data, licensing process number, and approved project are required. Note that properties built before August 7, 1951, or in non-residential spaces do not require this license.


Housing Technical File

The Housing Technical File describes the technical and functional characteristics of an urban building intended for habitation, as defined upon completion of the construction, reconstruction, or expansion work.

It can be obtained from the Directorate-General for Consumer Affairs and the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering. This document is mandatory for properties built or undergoing work after March 30, 2004.


Energy Certificate

The Energy Certificate evaluates the energy efficiency of the property, classifying it on a scale from A+ (very efficient) to F (not efficient). It also includes recommendations for efficiency improvements.

It must be requested from technicians authorized by the Energy Agency (ADENE). Detailed information about the property, including the floor plan and construction characteristics. Check the ADENE website to find qualified experts in your area.


Mortgage Cancellation (in case of a housing loan)

The Mortgage Cancellation is a document that proves the extinction of the mortgage associated with the property, being necessary for the public deed of property transfer.

Issued by the bank holding the mortgage. Information about the mortgage and property identification. The issuance may have costs, ranging from 100 to 200 euros, depending on the bank.


Condominium Debt Clearance Statement

Since April 2022, it is necessary to present a Condominium Debt Clearance Statement, indicating the pending charges related to the fraction.

Requested from the condominium, which must issue the statement within a maximum of 10 days. Information about the fraction, amounts of debts, payment deadlines, and, if applicable, dates of constitution and maturity.



Selling a property in Portugal requires the preparation of several documents to ensure the legality and security of the transaction. Understanding the requirements and planning adequately can significantly ease the process, ensuring a smooth and surprise-free transaction.
