Raw, Useful, Dependent and Private Area. Are you familiar with the differences?


If you are looking for a property, it is likely that you have already come across terms such as "Gross Construction Area", "Floor Area", "Gross Dependent Area" and "Gross Private Area", we will specify what each of these concepts means and what is the difference between them.


The Gross Private Area is the total surface, measured by the outer perimeter and the axes of the walls or other separating elements of the building, includes private balconies, basements and private attics with identical use to that of the building.


The Gross Dependent Area consists of the covered areas for exclusive use, even if they are common parts, and even if located outside the building or fraction, whose uses are ancillary to the use for which the building or fraction is intended. It is then considered the garages, storage rooms, attics or basements accessible, as long as they are not integrated into the gross private area.


The gross area of construction, corresponds to the sum of the Dependent Gross Area and the Private Gross Area.


The Useful Area is the sum of the surfaces of all the compartments of the dwelling, including interior circulations, bathrooms, storage, other compartments of similar function and built-in cabinets, measured by the inner perimeter of the walls that limit the fire, discounting strandings up to 30 cm, interior walls, partitions and ducts.


It is important to understand the difference between these areas, because it can directly influence the value of the property. For example, if you are interested in acquiring an apartment with a large balcony, it is important to know if this area is included in the private area or if it is considered a dependent area. After all, this can make all the difference in the final value of the property.


Now that you know the difference between Gross Construction Area, Floor Area, Dependent Gross Area and Private Gross Area, you can make more informed decisions when choosing your new home. Be sure to check out each of these concepts before closing the deal, and rest assured that you are making a good investment!